Serious clinical cases

As a supplement to the daily work performed by the health center, the Foundation works with children whose families cannot cover medical expenses in urgent situations. This is the case, for instance with patients such as Bouya Ka, Gorgui Ndao, Diouma Dione and Fallou Ndiang. These cases are common throughout Senegal.

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Bouya Ka, is a 12-year-old girl who had to leave the secondary school where she was studying because of a fracture of the tibia. She went untreated because her family couldn't afford to pay the doctor. The fracture of the tibia deteriorated, subsequently infecting the bone. The only solution seemed to be amputation of the leg.
At this point the Foundation became involved. The doctor immediately used an antibiotic treatment for the leg and succeeding in reducing it to a great extent. Later, an operation was made possible thanks to financial support from the Foundation. Today, Bouya Ka can walk and play with her friends like other children.

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Gorgui Ndaois an 8-year-old child who broke his knee playing with his schoolmates. Our health center personnel immediately took care of the child by transferring him to hospital, where, two days later, he was operated on for patella. The Foundation covered the expense of the operation and post-surgical x-rays and tests. The Foundation made itself responsible for the child to make a complete recovery.

Diouma Dione, es el de una joven de 24 años a la que se le extirpó una tumefacción de 4,5 kgs en la mama derecha. La Fundación se ocupó de llevarla a las diferentes consultas médicas donde se le hicieron los correspondientes análisis y biopsias, estando siempre a su lado durante todo el proceso pre y post-operatorio, y asumiendo todos los costes. Diouma tuvo que hacer rehabilitación para recuperar la movilidad en el brazo y medicarse durante un tiempo hasta su total recuperación.

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Small Fallou Niang is a 3-year old child who had an inguinal hernia with complication at the level of the testicles, producing him a state of inappetence, weakness and a bad general condition – with very painful sensation to endure in the testicular zone. The Rosa Alfieri Foundation made the eradication of the hernia possible. Thanks to the correct post-op treatment, there was a satisfactory conclusion for Fallou.

Fundación Privada Rosa Alfieri de Biología y Medicina Tropical | Pau Claris 148, 08009 Barcelona (España) | Tel. +34 934 672 503 - Fax. +34 934 672 435 | Privacy Policy